50 Things I Think About Foster Children

Foster children are so many things. Whether you foster parent, know foster parents and their kids, or have some other connection to foster children, you know that these fifty things about foster children are absolutely true. Read through this list and then share in the comments what you think of when you think of foster children.


They are beautiful.

They are loved.

They want to be loved.

They need to be loved.

They want to feel connected.

They want space.

They feel vulnerable.

They want to feel safe.

They are funny.

They love their family.

They need you to love their family.

They want to feel free to miss their family.

They want to know you are there to stay.

They want to feel normal.

They want to play.

They want to sit.

They want to laugh.

They want to talk.

They want to be quiet.

They want to be loud.

They want to be calm.

They want to be rowdy.

They want to have fun.

They want to engage.

They want to listen.

They want to be angry.

They want to be happy.

They want to be sad.

They want to cry.

They want to share their feelings.

They want to keep their feelings to themselves.

They want to throw things.

They want to scream.

They want to run away.

They want to hug you.

They want to trust.

They want to pull away.

They want to lie.

They want to speak the truth.

They’ve seen horrible things.

Endured horrible things.

Lived horrible things.

They want to learn.

They want to succeed.

They want to love.

They are tough.

They are independent.

They are dependent.

They just want to be free to be themselves.

They just want to be children.

Have you thought about adopting a foster child? Or perhaps just being a temporary home for foster children? The blessings and challenges will be endless, but there are many resources available to help you. Be sure to check out the other articles on this website and also on Adoption.com/Foster. Never underestimate the difference you can make in even one child’s life.